Tuesday, February 12, 2013

My Beloved Birdfeeder

This is our first winter with a bird feeder up in the yard. It sits in the tree outside our kitchen window. It took a while for birds to hear about it, and I was happy when there were six house finches frequenting it.

Well, we just refilled with a new seed blend, and today I counted 25 birds at our feeder! It fits four to five on the feeder, and then they dump a bunch on the ground. Lots more birds feed there, and lots sit up in the tree, acting as lookout or maybe waiting for their turn. Most of these birds are house finches, which is amazing to me. It seems like a large population of the same type of bird to be feeding at the same place. I guess I thought they would be more territorial, especially since they seem to move in pairs.

Today I saw two new birds. So exciting! I am no expert, but I watched them in my binoculars and flipped through my bird book in an effort to identify them. The first one has a dark head, light beak, and lighter body. I decided it is probably a black-headed junco. The other had a tan body, a little lighter on the underside, and dark at the ends of its wings and tail feathers with white stripes on them. Looking closer I saw patches of soft yellow on its body and decided it is likely a goldfinch, though I couldn't say which type.

I have always loved house finches since first identifying one in Maryland six years ago. I love their beautiful red throats and their lovely song. But I am thrilled to be seeing and getting to know a few other types of birds. Watching these birds is good for my winter blues, and definitely worth the cost of the birdseed!

Friday starts the next Great Backyard Bird Count. I plan to participate this year. Do you?

Finches at our feeder before we added the new seed

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